I’m here to help you build the business you always dreamt of.  Turning your skills, experience and passion into a thriving business built around your lifestyle needs and desires so you have more time, money, and freedom to live life on your terms.

It’s time to make that dream business a reality and finally do the work you love. The work that makes you excited to wake up in the morning.

I work with business owners all over the world to build their business with simple, yet highly effective strategies that gets results.… are you ready to dive in?


Hello, I'm Michelle


After 25 years in corporate job felt like Groundhog Day. 

I'd lost my passion and drive and knew "I was ready for so much more".

That day I answered this one question, 

3 years later, I'm woking less, and earning more than my corporate job.  

I'd just turned 50, and in the middle of a COVID lockdown I quit my job 

"If not now, when?"

I grew up in small coastal town, where life was by the beach, but to get a secure and good paying job meant a 2-hour each way commute to Sydney. For over 20 years I did that commute every single day. Leaving home before sunrise and getting home after dark was the norm.

My work was a means for me to travel. Work hard, save and travel, repeat.

When covid arrived, it meant all travel plans were off the table – for almost 2 years. That’s when reality hit me. I was only in my job to afford me the life to travel – not because it was what I loved doing. Every week week was waking up dreading it was Monday and counting down to the weekend.

I knew I had to make a change. I wanted to wake up excited for the weekdays and weekends – and now I do.

Life is very different from my corporate days. I choose the days, hours, and locations that I work. I’m in control of my schedule and earning potential and I love it!

My Journey To Here...

For years I wanted to start my own business, I didn’t know what. I even dabbled in a bit of MLM, but my corporate job provided security in my comfort zone. I was afraid of failure, it was holding me back.

After learning from a mentor how I could use my corporate skills, experience, and passion to create a coaching and education business around my lifestyle desires, I was sold. I had strong business and leadership skills, so the transition felt so right.

This is a business where I’ve found my passion and love for helping people, with unlimited earning potential.

I Let Fear Hold Me Back... For Years!

I've learnt how to navigate challenges and get results.

I've invested in coaches, mentors, and education programs so I can be the best coach I possibly can – ready to help and support you on your business journey.

I'm passionate about helping you create the life you LOVE!

You already have the skills to be successful. I’m here to guide you towards a business that aligns with the lifestyle you crave, the freedom to cherish moments with your loved ones, and the chance to pursue your passion. More time, money & Freedom!  

It's your time to shine - what are you waiting for?

Let's Work Together

  • I’m an accredited Business Coach and NLP Practitioner
  • I have over 25 years business transformation experience working with globally listed organisations.
  • I’ve invested in my skills: working with high level coaches and mentors. I’ve completed education programs in business strategy, email marketing, digital courses, funnels, NLP, leadership, sales and marketing, growth mindset, negotiation, project management.
  • I’ve built my coaching business from the ground up – 3 years in the making.
  • I’ve worked with clients all over the world.
  • I use simple – no fluff process that deliver results.

Why Work With Me

My Mission Is...
To help you grow a business with ease and confidence so you achieve results faster and avoid the BIG MISTAKES I made. 
Are you ready to make that

Let's Work Together

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I'll help you create more time, money & freedom doing what you love!

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